Version 1.1.0
Released: 04 April 2023
- Avionics/Systems
- Heading Hold (HDG) no longer captures current aircraft heading.
- Airspeed Hold (IAS) now functions more accurately and consistently.
- NAV Hold (NAV) now consistently captures both NAV1 and NAV2 sources.
- ILS Hold (APR) now consistently captures both NAV1 and NAV2 sources.
- TACAN functionality now compatible with MSFS TACAN stations.
- Fixed BP1 and BP2 data blocks on PFD not showing correctly.
- UFCP Transponder Page rewritten and code for Mode C/S & IDENT now functions with MSFS ATC and vPilot.
- Pressing CDI knob now slaves to NAV1/2/TACAN radial direction, not to aircraft heading.
- UFCP NAV1/2 frequencies no longer zero out on initial load.
- UFCP COM1/2 entry now supports values down to 50Hz.
- STUD frequencies now correctly synchronise with COM radios on adjustment.
- COM now defaults to receive on both 1 and 2 by default.
- Power system recoded. GPU now powers onboard systems correctly when applied.
- Stall Warning added to EICAS area on right MFD.
- FMS Power now only available with FMS and MC power in conjunction with MSFS Avionics Master.
- PC-21 HUD now default HUD option on initialization.
- PTT switch now enforces COM1 or COM2 transmit priority based on position.
- UFCP now displays correct frequencies if COM1 or 2 does not match a studded frequency.
- Rear HUD repeater now defaults to ON with system start.
- Visual Models
- VCS Cover now visible and operative in front seat.
- Cockpit now features audible buffet and shake with airbrake extended.
- Flight Model
- Updates to performance model for more accurate power curve.
- Updated engine.cfg to fix inaccurate ITT, Engine Oil Pressure & Temperature values.
- Effects
- Visible engine heat removed from the aircraft. Instructor page updated to remove option.
- Artwork
- FAB Logo on FAB paint scheme corrected to face the correct orientation.
- Addition of Dark Nyte Furys paint scheme to the list of selectable liveries.
- Tips
- Updated loading tips with additional RAAF Virtual information.
- Updated loading tips with additional RAAF Virtual information.
Version 1.0.2
Released: 22 November 2022
- Avionics/Systems
- Updated Right MFD to include controls for toggling VC aircrew ON or OFF.
- When transitioning from Pitch to VS hold for climb profile, AP now captures current Vertical Speed value.
- Refined Electrical systems to fix issue where GENS were not functioning correctly with the engine off.
- Pitch hold now works up to 25 degrees nose up, 5 nose down on initial autopilot engagement.
- On power up, COMM radios receive on both COM1 and COM2.
- OXY/PINS INHIBIT feature added to Page 2 of Instructor page on the Right MFD. Toggle to inhibit to ignore OXY and SEAT warnings for both front and rear seats.
- Installer
- Installer removed to deal with potential decompression issues causing missing or corrupt files impacting user experience.
- Installer removed to deal with potential decompression issues causing missing or corrupt files impacting user experience.
Version 1.0
Released: 22 October 2022
Initial Release